

救火英雄 (When the Light Goes Out) [消防片加港產,算交足功課。]

騙海豪情 (American Hustle) [好睇過狼人,又見識Christian Bale嘅放大縮細神技。Amy Adams表現十分突出。]
華爾街狼人 (The Wolf of Wall Street) [比想像中無咁好睇,而且有賣弄色情之嫌。]

續命梟雄 (Dallas Buyers Club) [本年個人五大之一,McConaughey表現明顯比年美嘅Interstellar好得多。]
美味情書 (The Lunchbox) [Bollywood人情片,夠生活,結局有驚喜。]
觸不到的她 (HER) [十分滿意,探討人同gadget互動嘅可能,幽默位都唔少。]

KANO [五大之二,夠勵志,日治時期台灣係少人講嘅題材,有睇開安達充漫畫嘅朋友投入無難度。]
美國隊長2 (Captain America: The Winter Soldier) [中規中矩,連到戲,打得幾好。]
大地之鹽 (My Name is Salt/HKIFF) [記錄鹽農生活,拍得十分好嘅紀錄片。]
知音夢裏人(Inside Llewyn Davis/HKIFF) [今年眾多音樂劇情片第一套,劇本灰暗,但情節清楚,圍繞主角同佢嘅衰運,同時側寫六十年代美國民歌界。同係歌手,Justin Timberlake明顯比Adam Levine嘅戲好得多。]
聖蘿蘭 (Yves Saint Laurent) [法國人物傳記片,節奏ok,中規中矩。]
真的有天堂 (Heaven is for Real) [真事改編,福音片格局但比想像中好。]
秋刀魚之味 (An Autumn Afternoon/HKIFF) [小津安二郎最後作品,描寫戰後日本第二次高速經濟增長下中產社員日常生活日常。]

無人區 (No Man’s Land/HKIFF) [荒誕不經,殘酷,電影情節隨時可以喺強國發生。五大之三。]
雙生靈 (Bilocation) [大橋有新意,夠驚嚇,結局有驚喜,出人意表。]
蜘蛛俠2:決戰電魔 (The Amazing Spider Man 2: Rise of Electro) [無驚喜,Super Hero片中規中矩之作,感情線還可以。]
香港仔 (Aberdeen) [有誠意嘅本土作品,但總覺得唔一定係香港定位。]
異空戰士 (Edge of Tomorrow) [湯告魯B似乎越老越宜做科幻,出奇地好睇,當然原著更好。]

黑魔后 (Maleficient) [又係出奇地好睇嘅一套,用back story將Maleficient嘅惡合理化,再改邪歸正,絕佳改編。]
廣告祭!唔制! (Judge!) [瘋狂爆笑,睇得開心!]

變形金剛4 (Transformers: Age of Extinction) [又係無驚喜之作,mish mash香港加大陸,Michael Bay用到爛鏡頭、走位,重多過TVX嘅置入廣告,算數。]
滋味旅程 (Chef) [熨斗人導演自導自演,生活感、父子情、公路歷險,各種原素配合得十分好。]
輝耀姫物語 (The Tale of the Princess Kaguya) [高畑大叔老而彌堅,改編民間傳說有新演繹,畫面處理再上一層樓,公主出走一幕水準超越近期作品。]

阿基拉 (Akira) [八十年代神作,睇碟睇得多,喺戲院睇震撼始終不同。]
等一個人咖啡 (Café. Waiting. Love) [無睇過《那些年》,感覺反而清新。以romantic comedy而言唔錯。]

舞自由 (Desert Dancer) [五大之四,睇完就見人大落閘,歷史又再重演,百感交集。]
一切從音樂再開始 (Begin Again) [音樂電影第二套,亦係睇得最開心嘅,音樂悦耳,人物描寫生動,對音樂嘅熱誠引起共鳴。詳細影評在此。]
如果我留下 (If I Stay) [一四年觀影音樂電影第三套,young adult類,故事ok,音樂唔錯,都好睇嘅。]

浪客劍心2:京都大火篇 (Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno) [比第一作好睇,改編部分唔大突兀,打鬥更多更華麗。]
辯父律師 (The Judge) [發人深省,父子關係、老人起居照顧問題、法律公義,都有觸及,值得睇。五大之五。]

戰逆豪情 (Fury) [睇戲咁耐,總算有一套似樣嘅坦克戲,戰鬥密度高,睇完好攰。畢佬又做father character,隊伍嘅互動亦動人。]


星際啟示錄 (Interstellar) [其實幾好,美中不足係中段開始劇情令一啲主角特色淡化,例如Cooper嘅南部口音,有啲可惜。Matt Damon嘅Dr. Mann睇落有啲over,但睇埋同期流出嘅漫畫,就會補完到佢嘅動機。]


大英雄聯盟 (Big Hero Six) [Pixar風格彌漫,狄士尼製作嘅Marvel超級英雄動畫,人物造型討好,故事有點意料之內,但結局更出人意表。大人細路都有嘢攞得走,十分滿分我俾九分半。]


[Sharing] A Juan Carlos Copes

I love seeing tango danced in movies. The most recent one I recall was El Ultimo Cafe in the Sci-Fi flop “Upside Down” (IMHO at least). The one I am sharing here is similar, yet different.

It’s from the movie “Tango”, directed by Carlos Saura, scored by Lalo Schifrin, featuring Argentine Tango dancer Juan Carlos Copes as one of the supporting character. The scene here was of a group of tango dancers rehearsing for a tango show.

The directer presented the scene in layers, with darkness and just a Bandoneon, gradually adding on the sequence, lighting, and music. It’s so much like the dance itself, building on basic moves and adding more and more elements.

Sounds good, isn’t it? See for yourself.




Dan 係一個過氣唱片公司高層,因為老婆Miriam出軌而失婚,事業亦走下坡。在夜店買醉之時遇上與歌星男友Dave鬧翻、被朋友慫恿下上台唱歌的唱作人Gretta 。Dan被Gretta的才華吸引,進而遊說為她出唱片。事情發展下去,慢慢影響兩人在人生路上的方向。

導演John Carney(前作:『一奏傾情』)再以音樂人的故事為題材。兩齣戲相比,『一奏傾情』有點「無奈的結局」,而『一切從音樂再開始』則重於人們為保住關係而嘗試妥協,同時以Gretta為中心互相影響。故事主線以Dan和Gretta加上一群音樂人在紐約街頭巷尾錄製音樂為主,同時側寫各人物關係,原則和渴望。又因為女主角係唱作人而不忘借題發揮,暗諷唱片業對歌手的不公平對待。

選角方面,起用近期以『變形俠醫』『復仇者聯盟』電影大收的麥克雷法路飾演落泊星探,頗為入格。姫拉麗莉的Gretta由最初感情失敗到最後堅強獨立,一幕比一幕迷人。飾演的Maroon V主音亞當列維做返自己已經可以,發揮尚算自然。在『宇宙生還戰』中飾演主角胞姊的希莉施丹菲今次擔任情竇初開的主角女兒,亦是隨劇情推進而越見可人,更客串在其中一首歌中bass solo一番。另外,在『唱Opera的保羅』擔正的占士高登(飾演Gretta的好友)、飾演Miriam的嘉芙蓮堅娜,演出都恰如其分。

作為一齣音樂電影,Begin Again的音樂自然重要,亦頗有驚喜。全片音樂以人物分別,Gretta的歌充滿singer/songwriter的清新、歌詞發自人物內心。Dave的歌曲則流行曲味濃厚,反映他投向大眾皃走向,與Gretta風格大相逕庭。姫拉麗莉初次主唱,聲底明顯不足,但表現出奇地好,補足有餘。雖然只有四首歌,但已足夠令我離場後即上iTunes Store購買原聲大碟。(謎之聲:説好了的專輯呢??我:你肯補足其他歌,一定買!)個人心水:Like A Fool (歌詞直接到point,旋律簡單上腦),Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home屋頂版(有Dan同Violet父女對jam)。


Everyone had priorities in their path down the stream of life. And people get together for various reasons. Different priorities can cause friction between people; how to resolve the differences? From my view, Begin Again is a pleasant yet poignant way in dealing with the messy reality of differing priorities.How to make a record

How to make an album

Dan (Mark Ruffalo) was a struggling record company executive that had his glory. Divorced and hardly productive, he walked in to a bar for a couple of drinks, where he saw a reluctant Gretta (Keira Knightley) performing on stage, singing a lonely song about hopeless people contemplating life. Somehow Dan saw talent in Gretta, strike up a conversation with her, and offered to produce an album with her music and the sounds of New York. Things went for an unexpected turn, which change both of their lives.

Director John Carney took up again a theme about music lovers, after his award-winning film “Once”. I found “Once” being more of “separate lives”. “Begin Again” was different, more about people stick together and tried to make compromises.

The plot was straight forward, and the director didn’t deviate from his way of handling love affairs of main characters (you would know after watching “Once”). As the main theme is Gretta’s record, a lot of scenes are dealing with the actual recording, which they do on the streets and parks of New York, and beautifully filmed. The interaction between Dan and his family, as well as Gretta with Dave, were decently presented, crossover through Gretta as the centerpiece, and provide contrast in terms of how the characters deal with betrayal and different priorities. And having Gretta being an independent singer/songwriter, the plot also took a jab at the recording industry, and Dan went along with the album project being independent.

Casting was wonderful. Ruffalo as the depressed and out of work A&R man was spot on, while Knightley was becoming more and more attractive as the story progresses, and she shined brilliantly all the way the end. Levine got the rock star look just right, as he was just being himself. Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit, Ender’s Game) played well and adorable as Dan’s daughter, Violet, who yearned for her old man’s attention while they lead different lives. James Corden (lead actor in this year’s “One Chance”) as Gretta’s best friend, as well as Catherine Keener (Being John Malkovich, Capote) as Dan’s ex-wife, were also cast well.

And there’s the music. They were well written and produced by seasoned musicians, while the director and Glen Hansard (musician and lead actor of “Once”) pitched in for two songs. The lyrics were particularly good, with very strong emotion and storytelling elements, reflected the singer/songwriter genre that was dominant in the plot. Surprisingly, even though Knightley proclaimed her almost total lack of music training, her singing was pretty good. I found myself picking up the soundtrack from iTunes immediately after the end, and the playlist is now a regular on my phone, the music is that good. My favorite: “Like a Fool”, for the frankness in the lyrics, and “Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home”, the roof top version, for the jam by Dan and Violet. It might sound greedy, but if we can get the whole album produced, with the songs in the movie plus some more, I would not doubt snap it up the moment it were released!

As a music lover, I recommend this delightful, elegant movie to you, whether you like catchy music or not.

iOS更新 – 7/16 至 7/17

今日最多人談論的app更新相信係Whatsapp終於加入iCloud備份對話功能,以後無需再export as text備份~ 更新亦加入上載多張相片功能,有活動要派相會方便得多。

另外,Google Maps亦有更新,新功能Explore正式登場,可以為用户找尋現在地點附近食飯買嘢好去處。(詳細可以喺http://google-latlong.blogspot.hk/2013/07/a-new-google-maps-app-for-smartphone.html上睇到。)


唯一有少少不便嘅係個app會以用戶的Google web history 作為捜尋和建議地點的基礎,如我一般一早已關閉web history紀錄的用家,便不會有即時建議。


另外需要留意,Google Latitude支援在此更新已被廢除,對下支援亦會在八月九日廢除。在Google力推Google+上分享現在地點資料功能,與及現存的「打咭」服務(如Foursquare、Facebook)之下,Latitude被廢算是正常。

重有,終於有tablet版!望穿秋水,喺iPad終於可以唔用Apple Maps啦~~

<舊文> 放過你自己


但一年又一年,我同唔少香港人一樣,每年自動自覺去維園捱熱。心裏都希望捱埋今年就唔駛再捱。結果係變天定平反都好,有個了斷就算,大家終於可以move on。




I think most of the pro-democratic people in Hong Kong don’t really want to mourn every year for those young people who died and got maimed in Beijing in ’89. At least I know I don’t.

But year after year, I, like so many of my fellow citizens, went to Victoria Park on the fourth and mourn. And remind ourselves to never forget this tragedy. We all wish that, “This year will be the last year we have to do this. Next year, the apology will be out, and we can finally move on.”

Well, it didn’t happen as we wished. For twenty three times, we were defeated by the reality. And we have to return to Victoria Park next Monday.

I just hope that the Communist Party will one day admit their fault. Then, we will not have to be its enemy. It might not mean anything, but at least all of us can _move the fuck on_.

Too much blood and tears had been spilled, even one more drop is too much. Please, elites, please admit that you are wrong, so that we can stop hating you. It’s not fun, for both of us, you know.

You are not an arrow

You are not an arrow.
There is no string behind you.
You can just go.

Move with purpose.
Move with grace.
Move with the focus of an arrow.
Even though you are not.

Aim to be true.
Aim with control.
Aim for the heart.

You are not an arrow.
You are a dancer.
With a purpose.
To dance comfortably together.
With your partner.
Through thick and thin.
Good or bad.

I wrote this after a particularly insightful private lesson of Argentine Tango. As you can see, I am no regular writer of poems, so don’t shot me for making poetic mistakes.




「有些朋友想見面 有些承諾講了廿年
有些遊戲玩到一半 未完 也只能 那邊見」

「原諒我 遺下你 提前離座」









胭脂扣:數碼化高清、哥哥、阿梅。Enough said.
波蘭斯基的告白:入場原因只有四個字 – 波蘭斯基。

Podsafe音樂特區#217 – 2012聖誕特輯


Derek K. Miller – We Three Kings
Allison Crowe – O Holy Night
Ben Vega – Silent Night
RaykoKRB – 12 Strippers of Xmas
Candy Butchers – Give Me A Second Chance For Christmas
Mario AJero – Away In A Manger
Kati Mac – I’ll Be Home for Christmas
Natalie Brown – Jingle Bells
Podsafe For Peace – If Every Day Were Christmas

歌曲由Music Alley提供
Jingle由Apple GarageBand提供
共享創意署名-非商業性-相同方式共享 3.0 香港 授權條款釋出。超出此條款範圍外的授權可於Mevio MusicAlleyAriel Publicity查閱。


上星期在iTunes library再見Canaro的Ciego,play count竟然過千。相信因為這歌是上半年表演的曲目,準備時聽了個不亦樂乎的結果。現在只要歌聲響起,步伐便自然跟上拍子,可見已是滾瓜爛熟。





Ciego, estaba ciego en mi delirio…
Ciego, porque ese amor era un martirio
Y ahora que cayó
la venda de mis ojos
me asqueo al recordar
tus lindos labios rojos…
Ciego, bendita sea mi ceguera
si al fin
saltó la venda y vi que eras
una vulgar muñeca de cartón!…

Blind, I was blind in my delirium…
Blind, because that love was a martyrdom.
And now that the blindfold
fell off my eyes
it disgusts me to remember
your pretty red lips…
Blind, blessed be my blindness
if at the end
the blindfold fell and I saw you were
a vulgar cardboard doll…
